Cranberry Pier, 795 Riviera Dr, Mastic Beach, NY 11951, USA, is located in the heart of Narrows Bay, with water depths ranging from 4 to 8 feet. The Mastic Beach Property Owners Associations, a volunteer civic organization, owned and built this pier. The dock was old and in desperate need of repair years ago. Furthermore, the dock could only accommodate four or five anglers at most, making it a first come, first served situation. The town then rebuilt the dock and its pathway a few years ago to accommodate 20 anglers by rebuilding and extending the length of the pier. The pier is a public-type pier which is free to everyone and is open daily. Fishing at the pier are only allowed during daytime only.
MBPOA Cranberry Dock, 795 Riviera Dr, Mastic Beach, NY 11951, USA
Operating Hours
Open Daily Daylight use only
Admission & Pricing
Rod Rentals
Bait Option
Parking, Fishing
Fish Caught
fluke, striped bass, American eel, northern kingfish, bluefish, and Atlantic cod, bass, catfish, herring, perch, pike, salmon, sturgeon, sunfish, trout, and much more.